I developed 4 dreadlocks from not brushing my hair recently. (I know ‘pandemic hair’ is so trending). I decided to cut my dreads off. I then went to my parent’s house and grabbed two of my bald Trolls from their Rocky Fireplace home. Gonna take them back to their home today with their new doos, which are extra special. Irie.
Feb 2021 Addendum #2
And that’s the current happy ending to “The Troll Incident” from 2017. If you’d like the back story read on…
“The Troll Incident” July 2017
Not sure why that one Troll decided to jump off the ledge after standing in the same place for 50 years. It happened while I was having dinner with my parents at my childhood home in Kensington. I had wedged my entire Troll collection into their rock fireplace about 50 years ago… and it is there that the Trolls have remained untouched, until one jumped the other night…and I was there to witness it. We were eating supper in the family room about 15 feet from the rocky fireplace. I heard a faint thud from near the fireplace. I had to investigate. And there he was…the Troll… he had landed on his feet. It was astounding. I’m sure he would have run off had I not intercepted. I felt a bit guilty putting him back up on the rocky fireplace ledge…at least I moved him to a different location.
July 2019 Addendum #1
My beloved cousin from Jamaica came to visit and stay with my parents for a spell. I went to pick up my cuz (same age as me) from my parents house to take her touristing. Lo and behold (and unbeknownst to my parents) she had removed every single Troll from their high mountain home on the Rocky Fireplace and washed them… after 50 years. She was so very happy and proud of herself for helping with ‘cleaning’. While she was telling me this…I can only imagine the look on my face. I was speechless. I knew that my precious Trolls and their 50 year old hair could not handle a wet washing. I just said, “…um thanks?, let’s go” She did put them back on their rocky ledges. I have never really examined the trolls to this day. I’m just glad to have took their portraits before this incident. (And Hey Cuz, I still love you despite the Troll washing xo)